
Dénia takes to the streets in memory of the victims of sexist violence

November 26 from 2021 - 09: 35

During noon yesterday, the City Council of Dénia convened the reading of the statement signed by the Council of Women of Dénia on the occasion of November 25, International Day of the fight against gender violence. The event was held in the Plaza del Arxiduc Carles, together with the installation "The steps that will never take", an awareness-raising action and also a memory and tribute to the 37 women killed by gender violence this year, which shows a couple of shoes for each one of them, shoes that they will never wear again and that remind us of the steps they will not take, the roads they will not walk, the life that has been taken from them.

The Councilor for Equality and Diversity, Javier Scotto, introduced the act recalling that violence against women and girls "is one of the most widespread, persistent and devastating", and takes different forms: "psychological, verbal, physical violence, murder, vicarious violence, harassment and sexual assault, prostitution, sexual exploitation and trafficking in women ”.

All this is born, he indicated, "from the germ of the heteronormative system, patriarchy, machismo, inequality and even poverty." An inequality that has increased with the pandemic, "confining women with their aggressors."

"Our responsibility is to end this social scourge through education, empower victims of gender violence through social welfare assistance mechanisms and guarantee their protection through the security forces and bodies." Because "only a society in which women do not suffer violence because they are women will be a society free from sexist violence and, therefore, a full society", concluded Scotto.

Then, representatives of the Association of Housewives, Dénia Women's Center, Consortium Associated Center UNED Dénia, Baix la Mar fails, Local Board Fallera, Matria Association of Women and UGT País Valencià, Secretariat of Women, entities that belong to the Council of Women, read the manifesto of this International Day for the elimination of violence against women.

In addition, in the afternoon a concentration promoted by Matria took place at the same point to make this fight visible. More than fifty people attended to denounce violence against women in all its forms.

Institutional declaration of the International Day for the elimination of gender violence

One year ago, the Consell de les Dones de Dénia renews the seu compromises both the equality and against gender violence, and shows the seua preoccupació davant l'augment of the assassinats of gifts to the mans of les seues parelles and exparelles and davant l'escalada de violència vicària.

They have passed five decades since Latin America will mark November 25 as the International Day of No Violence against the Gifts in honor of the Dominicans Minerva, Pàtria and María Teresa Mirabal, three assassinated Germans on November 25, 1960 by order of the dictator Rafael Leónidas Trujillo, of whom they were opponents.

20 years later, United Nations declares eixa mateixa data as the International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against the Donut.

In Spain, the 1978 Constitution establishes, through its seus precepts, the real and effective equality, així with the full participation of the entire citizenry in political, economic, cultural and social life (article 9.2), the equality of sexes ( article 14), the right to life, to the physical and moral integrity, sense that it could be sotmesa to torture or penises or tractes inhumans or degrading (article 15), the right of the person to freedom and security (article 17), and the right to personal and family intimacy (article 18).
I l'any 2004, l'aprovació de la Llei orgànica, of December 28, of Mesures de Protecció Integral against the Violence of Gènere, will suppose a month in the little rain against the violence of genre.

Malgrat tots els efforts, the historical inequality between gifts and homes continues to affect not only the physical integrity but the reconnection of the dignity and it is for això that, thanks to the social conscience and the rebuig of the citizenry, Spain has followed the first country to agree, in 2017, a Pacte d'Estat against gender violence.
At the moment, the Dénia City Council and the entities that form part of the Consell de les Dones have status and continue to be at the cost of the victims, promoting the political debate because of the problem of being private; donating support to the legitimate claim of the dret of the gifts not to be beaten by violence; I approach, from a multidisciplinary approach, the planning of local policies, the comprehensive partnership of victims and the development of awareness and prevention measures aimed at the whole of the citizenry.

The Consell de les Dones i l'Ajuntament de Dénia promoted the direct implementation of norms and plans with specific measures that favor equal opportunities, redouble their efforts in detecting gender violence, in totes and in tots. els seus ambits; I dissenyem, from the defense of the drets of the gifts, integral politicians to overcome that social xacra that has trencat milers de vides.

In the little word against gender violence, denounce all types of violence against donuts, physical, psychological violence, violent violence, and even the one that violates sexual freedom: sexual violence, prostitution, exploitation sexual, the trafficking of gifts and xiquetes and child pornography, they are violences of the most terrible against the donor that I will fight and abolish, because it causes a greu impact on the conditions of freedom, equality and security in the nostra societat.

Per això, the Consell de les Dones states:

- Invite all entitlements to the civil society of the city to adhere to this declaration and summon all those who cry out for a future in equality.
- Reconnect the seriousness of male violence with a political problem of the first order, of public health and with a greu atemptat als Drets Humans fonamentals with equality, sexual freedom, security, and the lliure development of the personality.
- Alertem on the augmentation of the assassins masclistes and the sexual violence, and manifests the concern of the vicària violence and the detachment that the orfes and orfenes have.
- Remember that it is necessary to guarantee the equality of gender and the rights of gifts as a key element in order to guarantee the social and economic recovery of totes of people at a global level.
- Defense of the need to promote consensual municipal actions that guarantee the continuity of local policies aimed at the elimination of discriminatory social norms and the reinforcement of prevention and prevention programs against gender violence.
- Demand the implementation of projects and local programs that guarantee gender equality in the occupation and business seizure of gifts, with measures to preserve economic independence and prevent gender violence.
- Newly manifested our concern for the high taxes of temporary occupation of the gifts that, uniting the pandemic, warning of a perillós augment of the bretxa de gènere.
- Ratify our commitment to the Pacte d'Estat against gender violence and remind us of the need to continue advancing in one's development to achieve full egalitarian democracy.

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