The Education of Dénia has taken to the streets this Thursday to protest against the laws that are being carried out by the Conselleria, which put public education at risk, they defended the hundreds of people who were concentrated under the town hall. Along with them were several members of the government team, the only representatives of the municipal corporation, who have already announced actions that they will carry out in defense of the teachers.
The Deputy Mayor of Dénia, Rafa Carrió, has announced under the City Council that next Thursday they will present a motion in plenary "to withdraw the bill that has been presented PP and Vox in les Corts». Carrió announced an amendment presented for the claims and demands that have been expressed in the demonstration. "It is a bill that has not been agreed upon with the educational world or with the universities, and really the one who knows the subject is the teacher," said the councilor, who affirms that "dismantling all the work that has been done for many years by public schools and in Valencian is an attack against our language and our identity. He sentenced, assuring that "all laws and proposed laws are a shame of this government of shame."
Along with him, the Councilor for Education, Melani Ivars, has shown its "support for a manifesto that demands nothing more than an improvement in the working conditions for teachers, demands the need for educational infrastructures, demands the yes to Valencian". A mobilization with which they intend, Ivars emphasizes, "to say no, in general, to the cuts that with this Law of Educational Freedom, in quotation marks, they are working on Party and Vox».
I think there is no need to ask who is financing the political propaganda of this medium.
If you are fed up with political mismanagement and corruption, vote Alvise Perez: the scourge of corrupt politicians
The previous comments accumulate a true reflection. Ideological slogans apart from political parties and pseudo-parties that only seek to live off budgets and seek confrontations. Let's focus on naturalness. In Spain their language is SPANISH, which is the one that is valid worldwide. Local languages are fine to be used colloquially in their citations; If this were their only learning they would be condemned to isolation, just as if it were preferential. What is meant?
Stop torpedoing the Spanish language, YOUR LANGUAGE. Never in Spain and I'm old enough to know what I'm saying; the speaking of any regional language or dialect has been prohibited; What's more, it seems natural.
It is envy – cheap national sport – that if it were not free it would not exist; the palurdity and senselessness of the left, separatism with all its brands with children's names, which mean nothing. THAT THEY HAVE SET THEIR GOAL PRECISELY ON ATTACKING THEIR OWN LANGUAGE: SPANISH! Normally, they just want noise and raise dust that hides their naps. Of course, the example they receive from their central offices is even much worse. Focus on DENIA and its present and future needs, with the aim of freeing future generations from millionaire debts that the majority have not inherited from their families, but from the bad management and bad arts of politicians.
The example of the immediate current moment of the administration that this strange government is leading. IT LEAVES NO DOUBT FOR THE SPANISH, whatever ideology they have or don't have. Look with affection at your descendants, children, grandchildren and why not at your elders...and if you are conscious and have a soul...discard the garbage and demand honesty, trustworthiness and preparation in your life.
next election.
Good morning
Your comment is interesting, well formulated and has almost no spelling mistakes.
However, I, who am from outside, will tell you something that I have learned in the short time that I have been here: in this territory the native language is NOT Spanish, this language was imposed and the native language WAS prohibited. Guess in what period of the twentieth century. Although perhaps you are very young and do not remember that golden age of freedom (irony) that many now seem to long for. Greetings
I appreciate your comment, you are right.
Spanish, spoken by more than 500 million people in the world, is today an essential language to know and speak whether for business, tourism or simply for one's culture. In a “globalized” world, some enlightened people try to make Spanish go into the background, in favor of local dialects…….divide and conquer!
The Valencian, like the Catalan and others, would have to stay on the street and have private conversations. In public school, for me, it would have to be optional.
Excuse my mistakes, I am not Spanish,🤷♀️
The article starts off badly, “the education of Denia” has NOT taken to the streets, only a few (barely 20%) have come out with their full right to protest.
Another is the pan-Catalanist Carrió, who only appears when he can take advantage of something to generate confrontation between those of us who love freedom, our culture and our language with those who call themselves “Valencianists” and try to impose a “normalized” language on us that is not ours. and a Catalan culture that has nothing to do with what we learned.
Well, yes, he also appears to support his boss Grimalt in everything, demonstrating a total and absolute submission and lack of personality of his party.
This is amazing
Totally agree with the previous comment
Apart from cstslsnistas, little was seen in that demonstration
By the way, the government of the city of Denia has nothing to do with this
They continue with their sectarianism, mess with Israel and support the Hama terrorists, removing the Israeli film, that is why they are partners in the government of the nation of the heirs of ETA