
Bathing is prohibited on almost all the beaches of Dénia

03 September 2023 - 11: 53

The maritime storm accompanied by the yellow alert from the State Meteorological Agency have led to the fact that in the beaches In Dénia, the red flag that prohibits bathing is flying today.

Therefore, bathing is limited on all Dianense beaches, Except in Punta del Raset y Marineta Cassiana, where the authorities warn that, to access them for the bathroom, be done with caution.

The AEMET warning on the north coast of Alicante due to coastal phenomena will remain active throughout Sunday until dawn. Northeast wind is forecast at 50 to 60 km/h, force 7, and waves of 3 meters.

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  1. Jopelin says:

    I do not understand that this newspaper does not reform the way of responding to another person and it reaches the absurdity that the answer is written letter by letter
    Below I have put an example with the same writing as here, and logically it does not read well.
    You can use other journalistic ways to indicate that it is a response to another participant in the forum.
    Thank you

  2. It's early says:

    How many prohibitions, it seems a trend

    • Ignacio says:

      Whoever wants to bathe in storm there will be him. After that they don't come crying that they have had problems with the choppy sea. We complain about the prohibitions as if we were infants.

      • July says:

        Man, I like freedom. I guess you like to be herded like a flock. That is everyone's choice.

        But wow, it is undeniable no matter how much you want that they are pulling out all the stops when it comes to banning anything, this is another example. I suppose that if it were the right that banned it, they would already be holding demonstrations. With slogans like forbidden to prohibit. But then at the first opportunity to raise salaries and put on the boots with the prohibitions.

        From school yard.


        • Ignacio says:

          That is the problem, mixing churras with merinos and then we have a society that cannot differentiate because its reasoning capacity is minimal. Mixing concepts in a highly politicized empty discourse. Maybe we do need more school, to teach everyone to think and not go around bleating political slogans like sheep because that's when they're herding you. Bathe in choppy seas but then don't cry because the Sea has taken away your right to return to the shore. Childish.

        • Jopelin says:

          I do not understand that this newspaper does not reform the signature of responding to another person and it reaches the absurdity that the response is left to write a letter to ketra

        • July says:

          There will always be people who like to be herded. It's not my case and I respect you if that's what you want. I repeat that I like freedom. Stop exaggerating things, we don't all like to live overprotected.

  3. Luis says:

    How are the bikes? Good?
