Politics - Compromís

Compromís opinion: «Regarding the motion to claim the payment to Aprosdeco, and the despotism of Grimalt to the plenary»

01 July 2022 - 15: 17

In the first place, and since we are here at our turn of intervention during the approval of the motion, we express our total gratitude to the Aprosdeco association and share our indignation at a delay in the administration that affects People who work to improve the lives of others, and they seem unjust and intolerable. Per això, among other things, we are going to donate support to the voter motion YES, because I consider it necessary that the Department pay the deute amb Aprosdeco payment and that the workers can collect.

Image: Intervention by Eva Ronda, councilor for Compromís, during the plenary session of DéniaIntervention of Eva Ronda, councilor of Compromís, during the plenary session of Dénia

For us, the first is the people, I tell them, and not the partisan interests. Per això insistim that we are not branchists. If any questió s'ha d'exigir los nostres, es fa, y en aquest cas així ho hem fet, no remnants of arms encreuats defensent excuses and promises incomplides dels nostres partits a València o a Madrid, com si fan altres. I could pose infinite d'exemples.

It is for this reason that in assuring us of the situation, they will contact the director of the protesting association for our support and offer the help you need; there with little després with the general director of the Conselleria, Enric Juan, and with the one who is, from now on, the new consellera d'Igualtat i Politiques Inclusives, Aitana Mas. The first thing that we are going to be able to know is that the situation is caused by lack of contract, a contract that they already have and is in the process of being formalized, but the absence of which is what has caused the bureaucratic delays, so much so with l'any passat. I also comment that, of the 5 pending invoices, 3 are embossed in Intervenció (Conselleria d'Hisenda i Model Econòmic, managed by socialist partners).

However, we cannot excuse the delay, since the management has not followed the best circumstances for some reasons. But it is that among these reasons, there is also the management of the socialist materials, responsibility that they do not anomaly in said motion, nor in the press, nor will they assume there. We do not look at another coast cap, as if the PSOE is interested, and if we know self-criticism and claim the one who pertains to us.

According to him, I am sorry to donate support to the motion, we will not initially join the board of carriers for two reasons: The first, because this motion is going to present the government that presumes to be "the most participatory in history" One day away from the plenary session, I would try to reach a consensus, talk or share information with commitments, and agree with each other on what we could say or contribute. And the second reason, because the motion of the party that governs Dénia and the Generalitat, surprisingly requests an urgent meeting with the new minister through a motion.

De veritat volen fer-nos creure a tots i totes that the mayor needs a motion, with all the bureaucracy that it entails, to demand an appointment with the minister? Is it that he does not have authority, or prou institutional power and contact enough per a fer-ho by the way that he always fa amb all the ministers, cridant per telèfon, or with a minimum sol·citar-us to nosaltres that ho gestionem? There we have the main reason for which we are going to bequeath here that this is a motion created by the socialists with the sole objective of fer sang and politics against Compromises. Beef more

Després de tot l’exposat ara i en el plenari, l’alcalde ens contesta, com és habitual, amb males formes, dient-nos que tirem la culpa als altres i que fem un al·legat polític. Cree el ladrón que todos son de su condición. Ens diu també, amb molt mal gust que: “mentre estem cantant, fent festes i ballant” ells treballen… Sí, però bé que trau pit en campanya del Pla Edificant, del Pla Convivint, de les ajudes i subvencions per a la COVID, l’ocupació, el Comerç, el Mercat, i de la majoria de millores de les quals s’ha beneficiat este equip de govern i Dénia gràcies a les polítiques de Compromís al Botànic. I per a acabar, quan sol·licitem un segon torn de paraula legítim per a contestar-li, l’alcalde ens nega eixe dret democràtic establert en el ROM (Reglament Orgànic Municipal), dient: “Per a què!”. Ahí tenim el despotisme habitual amb què funciona la majoria absoluta del PSOE de Dénia. Eixe és l’estil, senyors i senyores, acudiu als plenaris per a veure’l, ja que en les xarxes socials no ho veureu.

Per damunt de tot, defendm that Aprosdeco collects, that it collects as much as possible, and that this situation is not repetitive anymore. In breu tindrem met her with the nova consellera, who will learn to possess just then, and will not be thanks to this motion. We will demand, criticize and claim what is missing from the association that has been working for social welfare for many years. But the one who cannot give up the faith is denouncing the superbia and the hypocrisy that will begin in 2019 and that we will be living with intensity during the entire campaign that has already started.

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