Politics - PSPV

Response from Juan Sapena, Councilor for Youth, to the PP: "Regard the statements about the ETC"

17 June 2022 - 14: 11

Mrs. Maria Mut, spokeswoman for the municipal group of the Partit Popular, during the seua intervened in the Ple de debate on the status of the municipality, will affirm that "the teachers of the Theater School (ETC) have not been paid for months (since March to be exact)." She affirmed that, from the outset, I will understand that it was totally wrong.

Image: Inauguration of Juan Sapena as councilor of the Dénia City CouncilInauguration of Juan Sapena as councilor of the Dénia City Council

Tot i així, immediatament vaig confirm with the department of Joventut and with the mateix director of l'Escola de Teatre Comarcal, Mario O. Passero, that it is completely FALSE.

The only pause that has occurred in the dynamics of the school has followed the one derived from the tender process for the service: it is to say, the previous contract is finalized, the management of the school has to be awarded again.

Fins i tot, the director of l'Escola em va confirm that els treballadors i treballadores not so sols havien sigut donats de baixa en la Seguretat Social, donated the brief of the procedure.

I, per decomptat, vaig inform Mrs. Mut de tot això, so check the seues sources and rectify statements that are lies; In addition to demanar-li that the next round do the favor of asking me qualsevol dubte that tinga on Joventut's treball.

Tanmateix, hui el Partit Popular publishes and sends to the communication media the intervention of the Ple de la seua portaveu i hi returns to aparèixer eixa informació, which they do not know is completely false.

An absolute lack of political class and a lack of respect for citizens, who trust in convincing both simple lies and manipulated information.

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