
The PP accuses the PSOE of delivering Santa Llúcia to the Ministry "without any kind of social or political consultation"

23 2021 April - 13: 20

El Party denounces that "the PSOE has preferred to use its absolute majority to the democratic tools of dialogue and transparency on an issue as sensitive as the Santa Lucía Residence. "This is expressed by the opposition party after the comment that the mayor, Vicent Grimalt, he made during a press conference on Thursday. In it, Grimalt showed his willingness to cede the management of the Dianense residence to the Ministry, considering that he is the one who should take charge, especially considering the large expenses that the consistory entails.

The Popular ones affirm that this week the informative commissions of all the municipal areas have been carried out, and in none of them has the intention of the PSOE to return the management of the Residence to the Ministry been commented. "However, the government team has announced this decision with great fanfare through press releases. A thing done," says the PP.

From the Popular Party they state that there are many doubts about what will happen, in case this delivery is made effective, with the residents: "Are the fees going to be raised so that said facility stops being a deficit? What priority will Denia residents have when accessing the Residence? Will there be places reserved for our elders? In what situation will the workers be ? "

The training recalls that, in 2014, this same situation arose with the PP Government in Dénia, as they received a proposal from the Ministry in this same sense. "Well, Dianense society was completely opposed to the management of the residence passing into the hands of the Consell. The fear was that this first step would lead to a privatization of the center, which had already been ruled out years before."

"Do you know what the Popular did? Sit down, talk with the Pro-Residencia Association, talk with the rest of the political parties, and finally say NO to the Department, in order to, in this way, maintain municipal ownership of the center. the one that the current government team plans to resign without having made the slightest social or political consultation, imposing its absolute majority. Is it legal? Sure. Is it ethical? ", they express in the statement provided to the media.

In the opinion of the Popular, "it is regrettable that a decision of such magnitude has not even been informed to the opposition groups, although it is in accordance with the modus operandi of the I order and command that more and more often shows the Government team ".

"With the absolute majorities, not everything goes," he says María Mut, spokesperson for the Popular group. "The minimum that this city deserves is that at least all the political groups that represent the neighbors, participate in the debate, instead of finding out from the press, especially when it comes to a decision of this caliber."

For the Popular Party, "something like this cannot be left to the discretion of the because I'm worth itWe must be clear about many points that are going to affect our neighbors, many questions that we need to know and there are too many questions in the air around this matter. Once again, embarrassing. "

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