
Opinion María Mut (PP): «Question of trust»

February 19 from 2021 - 15: 59

Today another extraordinary plenary session was held, one more for a change, and this one to approve the long-awaited Budgets for this 2021 of our Most Illustrious.

The government team of PSOE he says that he "intended" for them to be, as always, "agreed" budgets. Really? We are given the information of the commission (which I assure you is not little) prior to the plenary session three days in advance and a weekend in between so that we study it and give the go-ahead. Having time so that we could contribute ideas is going to be that it did not fit into their plans. The thing to agree, as always, lip service. Unless they understand by agreeing that we applaud their thanks and misfortunes.

But we have studied them, and very thoroughly, and there are many, many things that we have not liked at all, nor are you going to like them as soon as you know them. I tell you some of them:

1.- Taxes and fees.

Do you remember that the PP presented a motion requesting the reduction of the ICIO, the IBI, the Vehicle Tax and modifications in various rates such as those of reform / construction for new activities, the aid of € 100.000 to non-profit organizations such as Cáritas, Salvation Army ... , among other?

Well, NOTHING AT ALL. What if we study that for next year. For next year? Seriously? This year is in which all of us, neighbors, freelancers, workers and businessmen, are making unprecedented sacrifices and superhuman efforts at an economic and personal level, since nothing we have to wait for. And apoquinar.

Is it so difficult to lower certain rates to help our neighbors and businessmen who need it so much? Does it cost so much, at least, to consider it? Well, it seems that it costs them. Because these discounts are not there or expected.

2.- Works and Investments.

We are going to spend € 852.00000 on repair works in various departments of the City Council, most of them (€ 500.000) in town planning, compared to the € 60.000 that will be invested in the Santa Lucia Residence, which is sorely lacking . Hey, urban planning is very necessary at this time, because it is a department that needs this reform before lowering the rates for new entrepreneurs who make our city grow and generate employment. This is OK. And it is also very good that they be done before, in the residence of our elders, don't you think? Those are the priorities?

3.- Sports facilities.

Before drafting the budgets, we asked how much money they were going to invest in repairs to sports facilities, including the much-needed Burrows that we have been demanding for so long. Well, we already know: 0 euros. Nothing. NEITHER.

4.- Participatory budgets?

Some of the year 2019 are still being executed, there are still many to be executed for 2020 and those for 2021 are already underway. Why bother to propose initiatives for this year if those of two years ago have not yet been executed?

And so many more nonsense.

This government team has no intention, nor has it ever had, to lower rates and taxes to help our city's residents, or to cancel the occupation of public roads to help restorers, or to make sensible investments that really improve the lives of citizens. This government team has no intention of helping its neighbors in these difficult times that we are experiencing. Do not care.

We already had little hope and little trust in this government team. Now we have none left. And to you?

1 Comment
  1. Pepe says:

    Come on, do not complain so much that you are all family. Both give one as the other but the luck for life is left to all. The day it is your turn, you will do the same or worse as if you had ever done something. All cousins.
