
Pepa, Gemma, Jimmy, Malala and Hedy: the stories behind the new names of the IES María Ibars

10 March 2023 - 16: 02

The IES María Ibars institute in Denia celebrates 8-M with a very special act in which it has decided to give the name of people who have been discriminated against in classrooms and pavilions of the center. The initiative seeks to promote values ​​such as inclusion and the fight against inequalities. Four of the five names that the spaces will bear are women's, since this group has been one of the most discriminated against throughout history.

Pepa Rives, la primera y única directora del centro, dará nombre al pabellón principal administrativo, mientras que la biblioteca se llamará «Gemma Pascual», en honor a la escritora de novela juvenil fantástica que cuenta con la mayor cantidad de libros en la biblioteca del centro. El gimnasio recibirá el nombre de Jimmy Higueras, President of the Condemned to Curb Association, who has been teaching physical education classes for more than two decades and creating projects for the inclusion of people with disabilities.

Malala, the example of the fight for women's equality, will give its name to the ESO and Baccalaureate classroom. At a very young age, she stood up to the Taliban's laws and risked her life to defend girls' education. The classroom for the administration, electricity and automotive training cycles will bear the name of Hedy Lamar, who despite going down in history for being the first to undress in front of a camera, was an actress and engineer who contributed much more than that, like his theory of wireless transmissions that allowed connections such as Wi-Fi and Bluetooth.

The IES María Ibars Feminist Action Group was also presented at the event and the 8M manifesto was read. In addition, they received a torch from the IES de Pedreguer to commemorate all that has been achieved and what still remains to be achieved. The initiative seeks to keep alive the struggle and strength of all the women of yesterday, today and tomorrow.

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